CAPA Energies // Sistemas Fotovoltaicos para Empresas e Habitações
Rua Ribeiro Cambado 4440-695 1491 Alto da Serra Valongo, Portugal
+351 224 219 600 +351 224 219 609 CAPA Energies
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Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a source of energy that is, as the name implies, naturally renewable, as are the cases of solar, wind, geothermal or hydroelectric power just to name a few.

Once called alternative energy, because it is an option in relation to fossil fuels such as oil, coal or natural gas, it is increasingly seen as the way to feed and meet the world's energy consumption needs. respect.

The organizations that lead environmental movements emphasize the sustainability and development of the use of this type of energy, since it is a clean, renewable and sustainable source in its production.

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